1. Basic Concepts of Economics
- The Fundamentals of Economics & Economic Organizations
- Utility, Wealth, Production, Capital
- Central Problems of an Economy
- Production Possibility Curve ( or Transformation Curve)
- Theory of Demand and Supply
- Equilibrium
- Theory of Production
- Cost of Production
2. Forms of Market
- Various forms of market- monopoly, perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, duopoly
- Pricing strategies in various markets
3. National Income
- Gross National Product
- Net National Product
- Measurement of National Income
- Economic growth and fluctuations
- Consumptions, Savings and Investment
4. Money
- Definition and functions of money
- Quantity theory of money
- Inflation and effect of inflation on production and distribution of wealth
- Control of Inflation
- Money Supply
- Liquidity preference and marginal efficiency
- Rate of Interest and Investment
5. Banking
- Definition
- Functions and utility of Banking
- Principles of Commercial Banking
- Essentials of sound Banking system
- Multiple credit creation
- Functions of Central Bank
- Measures of credit control and Money Market
- National & International Financial Institutions
6.(a) Indian Economy – An overview
- Nature, key sectors and their contribution to the economy
- Meaning of an Underdeveloped Economy
- Basic Characteristics of the Indian Economy
- Major Issues of Development
- Natural resources in the process of Economic Development
- Resources – land; forest; water, fisheries, minerals
- Economic development and Environmental Degradation
- Global Climate Change and India
- The role of Industrialization, pattern of Ownership of Industries
- Infrastructure and Economic Development, Private Investment in Infrastructure, Public Private Partnership (PPP)
- Management Processintroduction, planning,
- organizing,
- staffing
- leading, control
- communication,
- co-ordination.
- (b) Evolution of Management thought
- Classical
- Neo-classical,
- Modern
- Concept of Power
- Authority, Responsibility
- Accountability
- Delegation of Authority
- Centralization & Decentralization
(b) Leadership & Motivation
- (a) Group Dynamics- concept of group and team, group formation, group cohesiveness
(b) Management of organizational conflicts- reasons, strategies
- Decision-making- types of decisions, decision-making process