I. Introduction to the Capital Market
Introduction to the capital market
Structure of capital market
Regulatory environment in Indian capital market
Regulators in the Indian capital market
II. Introduction to Depository
Need for a depository system
Depository as a market participant
Legal framework in which the depositories function in India
Functions of a depository
III. Depository and its Business Partners
Depository participants (DPs)
Clearing corporation/Clearing house
Issuers and RTAs
IV. Functions of Depository Participant -Account Opening
Types of demat account a person can open with a DP
Beneficiary account
Clearing member account
Closure of account
Freezing of account
Procedure and documentation for changes in client details
V. Functions of Depository Participant – Transmission and Nomination
Transmission of shares
Nomination of shares
Process of transmission of securities held with or without nomination and jointly
VI. Functions of Depository Participant -Dematerialization
International Securities Identification Number (ISIN)
Process of dematerialization
Process of rematerialisation
VII. Functions of Depository Participant -Trading and Settlement
Role of DP in facilitating the transfer of securities
Off-Market transactions
Market transactions
Inter-Depository transfers
VIII. Pledge and Hypothecation
Concept of pledge and hypothecation
Procedure for pledge and hypothecation
IX. Corporate Action
Corporate Actions
Procedure for Corporate Action w.r.t monetary benefits
Procedure for Corporate Action w.r.t non-monetary benefits
Procedure for Corporate Action w.r.t rights issue
Procedure for Corporate Action w.r.t mergers and amalgamations
Procedure for Corporate Action w.r.t monetary benefits
Procedure for Corporate Action w.r.t interest payment on debt securities
X. Public Issues
Role of DP in the process of public issues
XI. Debt Instruments and Government Securities
Debt instruments and government securities
Certificate of deposit (CDs)
Commercial paper
Government securities
XII. Foreign Portfolio Investor
Eligibility Criteria of Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI)
Categories of FPI
Eligibility Criteria and Engagement of Designated Depository Participant (DPP)
XIII. Rajiv Gandhi Equity Saving Schemes
Procedure for opening an account to invest in RGESS
XIV. Basic Services Demat Account (BSDA)
Features of BSDA
Eligibility conditions required for opening BSDA